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About me

Relational Living

Jared Clugston

I am Jared, a Christian blogger, blogging about Faith, Leadership, Gods redeeming grace and more.

Blog Posts

What does God’s Redeeming grace look like in your life? Come along as I wrestle with these and other questions in my spiritual journey.

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What I blog about

My Story

Hi, If you have not figured out by now, I am Jared. I hide a lot in life. I get scared to talk about the things that really matter to me because I am afraid of people misunderstanding me, judging me and more. I am especially afraid of people close to me misunderstanding me and my story, or the tone of which I write.

But As with all good things, I must push through, come out of hiding, and tell the story of how Jesus has been redeeming me with his grace, no matter the cost.

I desire this blog to be one written from an attitude of grace and humility to encourage believers everywhere to a closer relationship with God through his son Jesus

-Housekeeping Items-

  1. Be a Berean – Check the words that I write with scripture before consuming.
  2. Take the meat, spit out the bones– When I reference or recommend books or resources, It does not mean that I agree with all or everything the author says. I believe all truth is Gods truth, so I will share it. If something else is off, Please sift through that in your heart.
  3. I am here to build and further Gods kingdom through honest thoughts and conversation. Nothing more, nothing less.